Medical Word – Vol. 5, No. 2, 2024

2024; 5(2): 49–80



Ana Momčilović

Editor’s note … i–ii
Original Articles

Aneta Lazarova, Olga Kokoceva Ivanovska, Elizabeta Gjorgievska

Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices of Perinatal and Infant Oral Health among Healthcare Workers and Students of Medicine and Dentistry … 49–56

Svetlana Bogdanović, Ivana Zlatković, Ana Veličković, Dobrila Ranđelović, Zvonko Zlatanović

Antibacterial Acitivity of Esssential Oils of Selected Medicinal Plants on the Causative Agents of Respiratory Infections in Pediatric Population … 57–60

Danijela Đerić, Strahinja Konstantinović, Maša Milčić

Characteristics of Age and Gender Distribution of Abused and Neglected Children – National Strategy and Prevention Measures … 61–64

Rade R. Babić, Gordana Stanković-Babić, Strahinja Babić, Katarina Babić,
Nevena Babić, Aleksandar Jevremović

Craniostenosis – X-Ray Presentation … 65–68

Case Report

Mirjana Ćuprić, Mirjana Veljović, Ana Aničić, Mile Despotović, Jelena Milojković, Ivan Stojković, Ana Adamović

Hidrocefalus – Case Report 69–74

History of Medicine

Strahinja Babić, Katarina Babić, Nevena Babić, Aleksandar Jevremović, Rade R. Babić, Gordana Stanković Babić

Professor Spira Strahinjić (1925 – 2022) – Pioneer of Serbian and Yugoslav Nephrology 75–80