Instructions to authors

The journal Medical word publishes the papers that haven`t been previously published in other journals. Submitting the paper to the Editorial Board, the authors agree with its publication and sign their consent. When submitting the paper, they are required to sign a Statement of Authorship and Conflict of Interests on a separate page.

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The papers are published in the Serbian and/or English language and the abstract is written in the Serbian and English language. All the received papers are forwarded to the reviewers. If the reviewers suggest amendments of the paper, the review is provided to the author who is required to make corrections and provide the paper within 7 days. The papers are not awarded, and the manuscripts and enclosures are not returned. The paper submission, processing and publication are free of charge.

General rules:

The manuscript should be prepared in Microsoft Office Word (Office 2007, Office 2010, Office 2013) onto A4 paper size, with margins set to 25 mm and with 1.5 line spacing, using font Times New Roman, size 12pt. Mark the places for pictures, diagrams, tables, and charts, which are submitted on separate pages at the end of the text. In case of adding the photos of patients, their anonymity has to be maintained.  Photos are attached in TIFF or JPEG format, with a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. Graphs should be made using standard graphical programs for Windows preferably from Microsoft Office (Excel, Word Graph).

The manuscripts of the category original articles, review articles, current topics, and organizational topics should not exceed 15 pages case reports should not be longer than 6 pages, and letters to the editor should not exceed 3 pages. The authors are obliged to emphasize which category the submitted article belongs to.

Parts of the paper are:

  • Title page
  • The abstract with keywords
  • Text of the paper
  • References

Title page of the manuscript should include the title of the paper, the names of the authors and the names of the authors’ institutions, as well as contact information (address, telephone, e-mail) for the first author. If the realization of the paper is enabled by the financial means of an institution or organization or is part of a project, it should be indicated in a footnote.

The abstract is written in Serbian and English in a maximum of 250 words. The purpose of the paper, the material, and methods, the results of the work and the conclusion have to be presented. Below the abstract, under the subtitle Keywords, 3-5 keywords (or short expressions) that relate to the content of the paper have to be listed.

Original papers should include the following chapters: introduction, materials and methods, results, conclusion, and discussion. The script must be linguistically correct and there should not be any typographical errors.

Each table or chart is put on a separate page and indicated by Arabic numerals in the order in which they are indicated in the text. The title of a table or chart should give a brief overview of their contents. Abbreviations used should be explained in the legend of a table or chart.

References are indicated by Arabic numerals in brackets, for e.g. (1). It should be cited using the Vancouver reference style, citing authors in the order in which they appear in the text:

–     for an article: Antić A, Stanojković Z, Vučić M, Lazarević M, Vacić N. Comparison of farmacodynamic properties of three different aspirin formualtions in patients with stable coronary disease. Vojnosanit Pregl 2019; 76 (6): 628-34.

–    for a book: Balint B, editor. Beograd: Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, 2004.

–    for a book chapter:  Balint B, Paunović D, Stanojković Z, Hemoterapija bolesnika  sa poremećajima hemostaze. U: Balint B. (urednik) Transfuziologija. Beograd: Zavod za udžbenike i nastavna sredstva, 2004: 226-90.

–    for a paper from the Congress proceedings: Harley NH. Comparing radon daughter dosimetric and risk models. In: Gammage RB, Kaye SV, editors. Indoor air and human heath. Proceedings of the 7thLife Sciencee Symposium; 1984 Oct 29-31, Knoxville (TN). Chelsea (MI): Lewis, 1985, 69-78.

–    for a monograph: Jovanović Srzentić A, Antić A, Radonjić Z. Imunohematološka aloimunizacija u trudnoći. Beograd: Udruženje transfuziologa Srbije, 2016 (Zemun: Caligraf soft).

–    for an e-journal article:  Morse SS. Factors in the emergence of infectious diseases. Emerg Infect Dis (serial online) 1995 Jan-Mar “cited 1996 Jun 5”; 1(1)(24 screens). Available from: URL:

–    for an electronic monograph: CDI, clinical dermatology illustrated (monograph on CD-ROM). Reeves JRT, Maibach H. CMEA Multimedia Group, producers. 2nd ed. Version 2.0. San Diego: CMEA; 1995

–    for an unpublished material: Vacić N, Antić A, Stanojković Z, Vučić M, Lazarević M. Biochemical and functional quality assessment of platelet concentrates. Vojnosanit Pregl 2018 OnLine-First (00): 59-59; (in press).

A DOI number or link must be provided for each reference cited in the literature.

All the information is available on the website:

Manuscripts are submitted to the following adress:

You can contact the editors here:

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